On this rock I will

Build my church

and the gates of hades 

will not prevail.

matthew 16:18


We are all about Teams! Our largest team has been 45 people. Contact us about bringing a team from your church. Choose your area of ministry to fit your team's talents.

My Father's House Orphanage

Nearing completion and almost ready for children with the ability to provide housing for 24 children.

Escuela de Alfabetizacion y reforzamiento

In the village of Las Marias, a church has been built along with the first school in that community.

Medical Teams

Medical teams have been changing the lives of communities in the mountains around Jalapa. In 5 days a team can see over a 1000 people diagnosing problems, providing medication and vitamins.

Children's ministry

In ten years over 100 villages have experienced a children's ministry team coming to their village with skits, music and a message about Jesus' love for them.

Women's Crisis Center

Recently receiving our first lady along with a her six month old child, was an exciting day. Escaping abuse, this woman only had the streets to turn to if it had not been for this private center of help.

No names or faces shown for safety. Just a preliminary picture of the building in process.